Our Purpose – Building High Self Esteem – Builds High Productivity For Self & Kind
Thank you for your time and patience to read this letter of concern and hope that we can share a common vision of development. This letter is about the goals of African [Nuwpunu] peoples around the World return to dignity and respect. I wanted to discuss how African [Nuwpunu] people have a proud and great culture and history that is sadly unknown to the World. My dream and goal that I’m praying that we share is the World campaign of sharing this rich Unknown History/Culture of African [Nuwpunu] people to the World by creating the,
[First Ever Online Nuwpunu Interactive Reference Encyclopedia].
The World is so sadly familiar with African [Nuwpunu] negative history of slavery, poverty, famines, diseases, tribal wars, disunity, drug additions, criminal behavior, corrupt Governments, and not nearly any knowledge of our positive history that is so overwhelmingly great. This is the purpose of this letter to share our vision of Globally promoting African [Nuwpunu] peoples positive history that will influence African [Nuwpunu] peoples decisions in the positive and begin to build our self esteem the same way President Barack Obama’s great accomplishment of winning the United States Presidency has done.
African [Nuwpunu] people suffer globally from low self esteem and lack of clear vision toward solving our problems as a unified people. This sad reality can be changed in a Generation simply by investing and globally promoting the positive history and cultural accomplishments of our history to our young Nuwpunu children all over the World, and NoopooH.org is committed to accomplish this goal!
You may ask why is this important, and why should you invest in this kind of project?
Well the answer is in just observing the effort that Europeans investment in their culture globally. Europeans are clearly no stranger to a negative past or present but spend Billions of dollars annually in promoting the positive accomplishments of their achievements and spare no expense when it comes to promoting these facts. If we are to learn anything from this example, just look at how peoples around the World including African [Nuwpunu] people’s desire to be European and desire to emulate their culture and accomplishments.
People all around the World emulate European culture which is the bases for their success, power and wealth. Look at the example of Mexicans who would risk all to come to America, or Haitians who have done the same, or Nuwpunu from Nuwaupia [Africa] who are risking their lives to make it to Europe in hopes of a better life. You can travel to China and find Wal-Mart selling goods; we can’t go to a country around the World that does not use a computer having MS Windows as its operating system. American music, movies, and sports are sold globally promoting Western Culture, creating icons that are in some respects worshiped globally.
The question is – can we Nuwpunu people produce the same results by promoting our image and likeness to our children?
The answer is 1000% yes we can by creating and promoting the [First Ever Online African [Nuwpunu] Reference Encyclopedia] teaching and showing children all over the World how great African Culture is and how they can duplicate this high culture creating better living conditions for their family and selves. In addition to the Encyclopedia project NoopooH also will build NoopooH Cultural Academies around the Globe setup the same way rich boarding schools are. The children within these Institutions would be recruited from African [Nuwpunu] children from every tribe and Nation all over the world teaching them one National identity, with one major goal, which would be Nuwpunu peoples return to World respect and Dignity. The children would be taught rich Nuwpunu History along with advance skills of how to build a Nation from the ground up. This type of training would give the children unique skills in helping Africans [Nuwpunu] in Africa [Nuwaupia] develop their Nations in order to compete with a Global economy.
The solution to our problem is in developing Africa [Nuwaupia], since the Continent is so rich in Natural resources. A strong Africa [Nuwaupia] makes for a strong African [Nuwpunu] all over the World. This would be the beginning of World respect once again for African [Nuwpunu] peoples all over the Globe.
African [Nuwpunu] people all over the Globe have more than enough wealth to fund such a massive project! Everyone can financially afford to invest within African [Nuwpunu] peoples future for a better tomorrow.