Reparations Petition

Reparations For Black/African People Worldwide

From & For Those Who Care!

Why We Must Agree On Reparations

Reparations Is About Repairing The Damage That Was Done To Black African People Worldwide Within The Last 500 Years Up Until This Very Day By White People!

1455, when Pope Nicolas V issued a series of papal bulls that granted Portugal the right to enslave sub-Saharan Africans. Church leaders argued that slavery served as a natural deterrent and Christianizing influence to “barbarous” behavior among pagans. Using this logic, the Pope issued a mandate to the Portuguese king, Alfonso V, and instructed him:

. . . to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever …[and] to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit . . .

White People Based On Their Doctrine Of Discovery Issued By Pope Alexander vi in 1493

The Papal Bull “Inter Caetera,” issued by Pope Alexander VI on May 4, 1493, played a central role in the Spanish conquest of the New World. The document supported Spain’s strategy to ensure its exclusive right to the lands discovered by Columbus the previous year. It established a demarcation line one hundred leagues west of the Azores and Cape Verde Islands and assigned Spain the exclusive right to acquire territorial possessions and to trade in all lands west of that line. All others were forbidden to approach the lands west of the line without special license from the rulers of Spain. This effectively gave Spain a monopoly on the lands in the New World.

The Bull stated that any land not inhabited by Christians was available to be “discovered,” claimed, and exploited by Christian rulers and declared that “the Catholic faith and the Christian religion be exalted and be everywhere increased and spread, that the health of souls be cared for and that barbarous nations be overthrown and brought to the faith itself[/highlight1].” This “Doctrine of Discoverybecame the basis of all European claims in the Americas as well as the foundation for the United States’ western expansion. In the US Supreme Court in the 1823 case Johnson v. McIntosh, Chief Justice John Marshall’s opinion in the unanimous decision held “that the principle of discovery gave European nations an absolute right to New World lands.” In essence, American Indians had only a right of occupancy, which could be abolished.

The Bull Inter Caetera made headlines again throughout the 1990s and in 2000, when many Catholics petitioned Pope John Paul II to formally revoke it and recognize the human rights of indigenous “non-Christian peoples.”

We argue that for the past 500 years Black people Worldwide have been under attack by the Western World who have pushed their agenda of Racism White Supremacy.

Define Racism White Supremacy – This is a social, economic, political, religious, educational, scientific Global construct created by powerful White Men for the benefit of the White race that has first enslaved and or colonized African peoples for a set of clear objectives.

  1. Slavery creates poverty for the enslaved and wealth for the enslaver.
  2. Slavery transfers power from the enslaved to the enslaver.
  3. The enslaver used their power to subjugate the enslaved to their cultural ideals. The creator of a culture is the ruler of that culture who is also the beneficiary of that culture.
  4. The Enslaver for the past 500 years has used their ill-gotten power & wealth gained from the enslaved & colonized victims and their descendants to increase their wealth, power, & cultural dominance perpetually.
  5. We live in a World today where White culture dominate the World, and White people developed military, political, & economic power to main their cultural global dominance in their minds perpetually.
  6. The goal of this Racist agenda is perpetual cultural dominance where the Racist maintain their control by being the ones who create the Laws, Rules, & Regulations with their open-door policy for other races to conform to the dominate White culture or be labeled a cult, terrorist, authoritarian, criminal, isolationist, or any other negative label that the dominate White media & their advocates can use against you to assassinate your character.

We here at who are Sabaeans by race & culture reject Racism White Supremacy in all its forms and its deceptive ways that it tries to present itself.

We totally agree with the thesis statements of Dr Joy De Gury, Nelly Fuller, Dr Claud Anderson, Dr Amos Wilson, Dr Umar Johnson & many more who all have addressed these issues in their unique ways as scholars within the Black community.

We as Sabaeans do acknowledge the Actual Facts of the 3 primary races of Earth and all the mixed ethnic peoples that resulted from the 3 primary races which are the first world people Africans, 2nd Asians, 3rd Caucasians. This fact of nature also teaches us that culture is a genetic reality that all races on Earth have a Natural Nature Right to live by without interference of foreigners.  

We argue if we as Black people around the world are going to deal with Global Racism White Supremacy then it is best that Black people find common ground to assist each other in this fight.

We argue that we must create cultural agreements to find common ground to deal with an adversary that is affecting all of our lives. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

We Believe That Love & Unity is the solution, but until then let’s find Common Ground to work on.

We believe that the Common Ground to work on for Black People Worldwide is a Global Reparations Agenda To Address The 500 Year Perpetual Harm That The White Race Continue To Execute Against Black People!

Because of the Global Elites aka White Men world domination goals, we continue to suffer worldwide, and we demand change, we demand the White race to stop their attacks against us, and we demand that the White race repair the harms they have committed against the Black race for the past 500 years starting with our cultural freedom!!!


What Are the Perpetual Harms of Global Racism White Supremacy?

  1. Slavery & Colonization have put Black people Worldwide in perpetual poverty, disunity, & no power to effectively fight the White Man’s spy & war machine that grows stronger each & every day.
  1. Here in the Americas White Men make all the Laws, Rules, & Regulations that has been used against Black people which has led to our mass incarceration & mass killing of Black people by police having no military power to stop it. Those who make the Laws & Print The Money RULE & All others are just subjects!
  1. White Men have monetized the Earth, they print paper money & force Black people to comply with their culture so that we must work for them or if we work for ourselves, we are still forced to use their monetary system in order to buy goods & services we need to survive while living on a Earth that charges no one for her resources!
  1. White Men control world media and has weaponized it for the past 500 years with the results being Black people desire to live white people’s culture even though it kills us. We have drug addictions, food addictions, sex addictions, money addictions, gambling addictions, alcohol addictions, all things we never suffered before when we ruled ourselves. Now media has us desiring miscegenation, the gay life style, wanting to alter our bodies be it tattoos, or breast implants, or blond our hair, or butt injections…..
  1. White people control all levels of education and forced us to comply to their foreign education in order for us to have a decent life. Our children are routinely brainwashed every day to learn white people’s history, their concepts of science, forced to speak their languages, learn their concepts of health, all of these things that are clearly bias taught by white people while excluding our concept of education.

What Is Reparations?

The root of the word reparation is the word repair which means to fix something that was broke.

Reparations is about justice for the crimes of White people against Black people.

Reparations is about demanding White people to take responsibility for their crimes committed against Black people for the past 500 years.

Reparations is about restoring Black people’s liberty’s & property that White people stole from us. Liberty for Black people would be free of white people’s political, economic, social, educational, scientific, military, or any other controls they have imposed on us for the past 500 years Worldwide.

Reparations is about restoring our freedoms we once had before White people forced their ways into our lives, it’s about restoring our power as a people it’s about restoring our wealth that was stolen.

Why Is Reparations Important?

Every Human on Earth have the right to self-determination. White people stole this Natural born right from Black people Worldwide. Here in America White people control all levels of Government and impose their will on the lives of Black people without us having any power to stop them.

White people used our labor & wealth to build Global Empires in the 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, & now 21st centuries. With their Global wealth & power they now have control over the World unlike any other period in Human History. They used this wealth & power to maintain their control over us and show no signs of ever wanting to create a system of justice in the World. They set up a Global economic system that force the world population to work for them to get resources from a FREE EARTH.

The Earth is Free, and no Human on this Planet have the right to force another person to work for them to have access to these resources. The Earth charges no one for wood, or an apple, or water, or air because the Earth is free. We live in a world with greedy humans who believe that they are entitled to hoard the worlds resources for themselves at the expense of the labor class of people

Reparations is also important because White people continue to use their wealth & power to oppress us. They control all levels of society and use it to get their way on any issue such a mass incarceration, jobs, media, or force us like Whoopi Goldberg to apologize even when we are right about a subject matter. We have no power to oppose their will on us. They are now pushing being gay as a lifestyle choice and we are powerless to stop it, they are pushing miscegenation and we are powerless to stop it, they promote drugs, violence, porn, & show no morals in their media and we are powerless to stop it.

What Reparation Can Black People Be Given to Address All These Issues That Global White Supremacy Has Caused?

  1. We demand the same Freedoms of you our Ancestors had before you invaded our lands aka, We Demand Liberation from Your Oppressive & Destructive Nature!!!
  1. White people must stop attacking us! Stop using your guns to kill us, stop using your media to make us look foolish or brainwash us, stop using your wealth or laws to coerce us into selling our owe out, stop forcing your cultural ways on us, stop with your good cop bad cop tricks to divide us!
  1. Give us the necessary resources so that those of us who want to separate can build our owe society be it here in the Americas or in Africa, or for those who want to stay give us resources so that we can build up our communities without the interference of rich people or foreigners who are now controlling all the business within our communities. They must allow us to buy them out so that we can control our communities. Also, for those of us who choose to stay give us the rights your forefathers imagined to minority groups who would need to protect themselves against the majority imposing their will.
  1. Free all non-violent & elderly black people you have imprisoned and allow us to rehabilitate all those who need it. Those who are violent or pose a danger to the community allow us to rehabilitate them so that they can be integrated back into our society. Humans are not animals that should be warehoused. Plus, White people has turned their prison system into a money-making & power coercing scheme that disenfranchise Black people, the poor and those who are considered enemies of the State. In addition, we are not interest in participating in your barbaric death penalty program that oddly finds its way to murder us and call it legal. 
  2. We have the right to live our culture without your interference, we need our own heath care system, our owe education system, our own transportation system, our own communication system, our owe entertainment system…. and the same way we helped you build your country for FREE we expect no less treatment.
  1. We need you to give us the same protections & support you give Israel no questions asked every year.
  1. We need access to southern costal land so that we can create trading partners with our African homeland and others who wish to trade with us.
  1. We need military training & equipment so that we can defend ourselves. Also do not spy or try to under mind us as you have done in the pass because we are not a threat to any people on Earth!
  1. Anything that is due to us that we cannot think of or is hidden that is yet to be uncovered we need reasonable time to add to our list of needs.

Sign Petition Now, Support Now, & Spread The Word!!!

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21 Ms. Patricia B. Nov 27, 2024
20 Mr. Peter S. Oct 05, 2024
19 Ms. Florence K. Apr 02, 2024
18 Ms. Tykeishau B. Jul 20, 2023
17 Mr. Philip B. Jan 29, 2023
16 Mr. D -. Oct 08, 2022
15 Mr. George R. May 21, 2022
14 Ms. lamont p. Mar 17, 2022
13 Ms. danesha b. Mar 13, 2022
12 Ms. Emmanuel A. Mar 03, 2022
11 Mr. Ronald J. Feb 22, 2022
10 Mr Edwin D. Mar 13, 2021
9 Mr Darius M. Oct 18, 2020
8 Mr Angel M. Jun 28, 2020
7 Mr Michael N. Jun 01, 2020
6 Mr Kahil L. Sep 17, 2018
5 Ms Faith M. Aug 02, 2018
4 Ms Carol L. Feb 19, 2018
3 Djeser R. Aug 01, 2017
2 Pehty T. R. Feb 02, 2017
1 Tommie Lee B. Jan 19, 2017